Weigh Ins

Before you start reading this, I apologize for not knowing how to turn these photos. They end up on here however they load!

Donald started the A.C.E supplement on March 14, 2012. His weight at that time was 228. I did not think of taking a picture then because it was not until after he started taking it and telling me how great is was that I thought I might be interested in becoming an associate. So we begin at 228 pounds with no pictures. Scroll down the to bottom to see his journey from the beginning.

22nd weigh in
Donald was a little dissapointed with this week's weigh in. He always gets on the scale and then calls me in to take a picture. I guess he wants to see the results before I do. This week, he claims that the scale read .2 less before I got in there and he was very excited to be in his weight goal range. 190..... However, when I got in there to take the picture, the scale read 191 even. He only lost .2 this week but I still think that is awesome. He is only 1 pound from his goal and quite frankly, if he stayed right where he is, he would be fine. You all know how important that final number is. So..... maybe next week. Still super proud of him!
Total loss -37.4 pounds

21st weigh in
Last week I was not at home on weigh in day so there was no picture. Donald did say that he weighed in at 193.4. If that is the case, he had gained a bit. Never the less, he is back on the downslide this week. He is still working out and continues to eat as low carb as possible. Unfortunately, this week was super busy at work. There were two days that he didn't even come home, sleeping in his truck. That did not stop his progress. Since the last official weigh in, he has lost 1.4 pounds. This is putting him VERY close to his goal of 190. If you saw my post this week, then you know he is looking mighty fine!! He has even been put in an ACE ad! I couldn't be more proud of him!
Total loss -37.2 pounds

Donald's modeling debut!

19th weigh in
Another great week has come and gone. Donald has been hard at work doing a circuit weight training program. He is still trying to eat low carb. He has always worked a lot but this past week and probably for the next few to come he will be working A LOT! They have several drivers that are off for one reason or another so he has been and will continue to take up the slack. He continues to impress me with his commitment to getting healthy! Although, I must admit that when you have something as good as ACE to keep you from being hungry and decrease cravings it is a whole lot easier to stay on track. This week we saw a loss of 1.2 pounds! I teased him that if he had of clipped his toenails, he probably would have lost another pound! LOL He is so close to his goal at this point he is considering making it even lower. His original goal was 190. I think that will be be just about right but now that he has gotten so close, he is considering taking it down to 185. We will see how that goes.
July 29, 2012
Total loss -35.8

18th weigh  in
This post is late because the past weekend was a celebration for our anniversary! We had a great time but even though the picture was taken Sunday before church, we left right after and I did not have time to do the post. If you read my blog post this week, you know that we started a pretty rigorous weight training program. This caused me to be heavier this week but..... Donald did really well! Even with all of that "glycogen" weight, he lost .4! I am so proud of him and could not be more proud to be this handsome man's wife!
Total loss -34.2

17th weigh in
I am a little sad for Donald with this weigh in because he was really hoping for a bigger loss. He claims that the scale was down another .2 before he called me in to take the picture. "I stepped on it twice to make sure!" was his comment. Having said that, I have to say that these comments are a little funny coming from a man that, 4 months ago, could care less whether he lost any weight or not. He is now only about 4 pounds from his goal and, that being the case, I think his body is trying very hard to hold on to what it has. Especially since he admittedly is not eating as much as he should during the week. It is hot and his air is out in his truck. There have been  many days that his lunch that he packed in the morning ended right back in the refrigerator that night when he came home. He also started working out again this week HARD! He has not done that in over a month and he didn't miss one this week at all. So all in all, I would say that this week was very successful with a loss of 1 pound. Even though we know he gained a little last week, he is still on his way down and might I add, looking FABULOUS!
Not sure why there is a glare but that says 194.2
July 15, 2012

Total loss -33.8
16th weigh in
This weigh in took place the Sunday after we had spent the week at the lake for the 4th of July. Donald went right back on his ACE after the Fat Flush Diet but we did eat and drink a lot of things that we normally do not eat and drink during the week. The drinks are a concern because we have heard forever "Do not drink your calories!" The body has no choice but to store calories from drinks as fat because there is nothing to digest. We usually only drink water and maybe one diet drink a day. During our 4th of July holiday, there were lots of other calorie ridden drinks in the house. We reasoned it out- the girls were there and we can't give them diet drinks. That wouldn't be good for them. lol By the way, my nieces regularly ask for water to drink so we can't blame the high calorie drinks on them but of course, when you want one, you can reason it out any way you have to right? Anyway, we pretty much took the week off except for the continuance of taking our ACE, we pretty much ate whatever we wanted. With that having been said, I am proud to report that Donald only experienced a gain of .4. I think that is absolutely great considering that there was no restraint or self control to be found! The only help he had was what ACE gave him. He says that was a lot because even though he ate ice cream, cake, and chips, he didn't eat very much of it because he wasn't that hungry. Besides, he had just lost 6 pounds on the Fat Flush! I think he is still doing great. Looking pretty great too, if I might add!
July 9, 2012
Total loss -32.8
15th weigh in
This weigh in is the week after we did the Fat Flush Diet. Check out the details HERE.
July 2nd
Total loss -33.2

14th weigh in
This week Donald hit a stand still. He is only 8 pounds from his goal. I did this when I got close to my goal and have seen it many times with other people. The weight loss seems to slow down. He had two really good loss' the last two weeks so we aren't too disappointed. A gain of .2 is not so bad when you have lost 10 pounds the previous two weeks! We are, however, going to try Saba's fat flush diet next week. The Fat Flush diet was created by Clark Bartram in order to jump start weight loss and clean out your system of toxins that are bad for your health. It is a five day regimen during which you eat a special diet and take Saba's Co-Clenz product. I will let you know how this goes.

June 24th
Total loss -29.8
13th weigh in
I like to think that Donald could not make it without me but I guess I have to admit that he is capable of taking care of himself! I was gone to Illinois this week and he did a good job of staying on track. He is still eating low carb and it is paying off. He lost 5 pounds! He still says that he would not be able to do it without ACE. It continues to curb his cravings and keep him from being hungry. I am so proud of him. And just look at those pictures! He is one handsome man!
June 17th
Total loss -30

12th weigh in
After taking ACE for 12 weeks and successfully changing his eating habits because of ACE, Donald is down 25 pounds! We couldn't be more pleased! He has energy to spare and is feeling great. Because of his work schedule, he is still having a hard time getting in workouts but is throwing one in every chance he gets. All of his clothes are too big! I bought him some size 38 shorts the other day and had to take them back because they were too big to! That means he has gone from a 42 waist to a 36 in 12 weeks. Not bad huh? This is the only thing that he has been able to stick to in all the time I have known him. It is so easy! You just pop a capsule! Don't miss my "Getting out of Town" discounts that end tonight at 9 pm!
June 10th
Total loss -25

11th weigh in
Donald experienced a disappointment this week. He gained 3 pounds. I know that you have all experienced this. He was not only discouraged, he was mad! He has been working really hard. He has done really well. All I can say is- this happens! Then we looked at what the week held. It was the first week of my summer. We were really off schedule. He ate out 3 times and spent the weekend at the lake which meant we ate AND drank lots of stuff that he had not been. He also worked out HARD several times, which he had not been having time to do. We all know that sometimes our bodies seem to be heavier when we first start working out because our muscles pump up and hold fluid. So I think after 11 weeks he has still done great! These things happen. So we will see what happens next week. I still think he is on his way!!
June 2, 2012
Total Loss -20

10th weigh in
As we lost more weight and I got closer to my goal, we have incorporated more healthy habits into our routine. This week I hit my goal! woohoo! Donald got closer to his! Yay! Although his work schedule prevented him from adding any workouts, he was really good about eating healthy. This is so much easier to do since the ACE prevents hunger and keeps him from craving those really "bad for you" foods. We have started eating more high fiber, high protien foods and less processed, refined sugar foods. Not only is this good for the weight loss but also good for the body as a whole. Of course we are still eating lots of vegetables and fruits. This must be working because this week Donald is down again! -3.8 pounds! I couldn't be more proud!
May 27, 2012
Total loss -23

9th weigh in
This week was a whirl wind. We celebrated Mother's Day and our son's birthday on Sunday, eating grilled cheeseburgers, cookie cake and ice cream! That was our off day. There were several days when Donald worked almost through the night and on Friday he didn't get home until 3 a.m. So there were no workouts this week. He just didn't have time. We did add the Saba Borojo and Pomegranate juice, which we love! They say that taking the Borojo with ACE gives a 1-2 punch and I guess they are right because he has now lost a total of 18.2 pounds! We walked the Great Strides Cystic Fibrosis walk on Saturday and he said that he was so glad that walking no longer felt like a hard workout. Before this weight loss, he was out of breath and panting just walking a little while. Thanks ACE for giving him his energy and strength back! Look at the pictures below. You can certainly tell the difference!

May 20, 2012
Total loss -18.2

Weigh In 8 1/2
We are changing weigh in days because it is so hard for me to get up and take those pictures on Wednesday mornings. Donald often gets up at the crack of dawn and I, well I just don't! Anyway, I missed the picture on Wednesday so thought this was as good a time to change than any. This week was rough I far as eating healthy. I was sick! I mean I had the flu and it really got me. So Donald was on his own as far as eating. He ate peanut butter and jelly and many meals were fast food. He still took his ACE regularly and this week we added the other Saba supplements; Pomegranate Juice and Borojo Juice. Which he reports gives him even more energy and makes him feel great! So I am very proud of his weigh in this week. On Weds. he was at 215. Just three days later it was 215.4. That was after a huge plate of spaghetti on Saturday night! He is still losing and still loving his ACE! We couldn't be happier!

May 13, 2012
Total loss - 12.8
Eighth Weigh In
I have of this one. I had the flu and was still in bed when he got up for work. He was so sweet that he didn't want to wake me. I have been thinking that we needed to move weigh ins to Sunday anyway so this seemed like as good a time as ever. Although, I don't have a picture, he does report that his weight had dropped this week to 215! That is another pound! Pretty good. We will check in again on Sunday and see how it is going. Thanks for checking in!

May 9, 2012
Total weight loss -13.2
Seventh Weigh In
So it seems that our assumption about sodium intake and water retention must have been right. This week's weigh in was awesome! Donald didn't change anything about the way he was eating this week. He still took Sunday off and we went out to eat. He even got fudge! Although he didn't eat all of it. I think when things are going good, your mindset starts to change and you are even more determined to succeed! So...... the outcome this week....... -6.6 pounds! woohoo So if you have had a disappointing week, don't give up! It will come back around! Please share your success or even your disappointment in the comment section. We would all like to know!

May 1, 2012
Total weight lose -12.2

Sixth Weigh In
I have promised to be as honest as possible and this week is no exception. Like many others, Donald decided to jump on the scale Sunday morning and see what it looked like. At that time, he was down 1 pound. Great right? Well Sunday is off day, we ate a wonderful meal at church, prepared by Godly hands. Then Sunday night, decided we wanted pizza! Neither of us had had pizza in so long. It was really good. Then Monday, he didn't work so we finally went to Stix for some Chinese food that I had been wanting for some time. With that having been said, the weigh in was not all we would have wanted it to be. This week he gained 4.2 pounds. I also gained 2 pounds so I feel sure that we are holding onto the salt from all of the chinese food we ate. The difference is that I weigh in on Friday, so I have time to get it off! It will be interesting  to see.

He also worked out for the first time Monday. Circuit training with weights. It was a pretty hard workout. So that could have contributed to the gain if his body is retaining fluid and building muscle.
Please go to the comment section and share any ideas you might have or if you have had any similar experiences.

His clothes are starting to fall off of him and he says that he feels smaller so I have no doubt that the A.C.E is still working. Next week will probably be huge! Stay tuned in to find out!

April 25th
Total weight loss -5.6
Fifth Weigh In
The day before this weigh in was Donald's birthday! We celebrated Sunday at Olive Garden. Sunday is our off day so for his birthday, he ate exactly what he wanted. The Tour de Italy. We even had cake. Then off to the movies with a big ol' box of popcorn.To top his birthday celebration off, he had an Arby's chocolate shake! (his favorite) The rest of the week, he took his A.C.E and ate healthy. He reports that this is a lot easier to do because he just isn't hungry! Well even with the celebration, A.C.E has worked its magic! He is down 1.8 pounds! I am so proud of him!
BTW- We realize a pedicure is greatly needed! That will be coming soon!lol

April 18th
Total Loss -9.8 lbs
Fourth Weigh In
This week's weigh in comes after another "normal" week of work for Donald, which is never "normal". There was not a day when he left after 5 a.m. or got home before 8 p.m. Most of his meals were eaten in the truck. The one off day he did have was Sunday which was, of course, Easter. We ate a scrumptious meal at my grandmother's and then went to his parents for a delicious dessert! This was our off day so we ate well. On his days at work we made sure he had a nice variety of healthy food to eat. I continued to pack grilled chicken salads, granola bars, turkey sandwiches, string cheese and fruit to snack on.

He reports still having to make himself eat, having lots of energy and not eating as much at his meals. He did, however, make sure he ate. The proof is in the pudding! Or the lack thereof, so to speak. He lost 3.4 pounds this week! Yay for my wonderful husband! So what did we learn here? Take ACE, gain energy, eat, and LOSE WEIGHT! I am so proud of him!

April 11, 2012
Weight loss -7.6

Third Weigh In
The next weigh in takes place after a normal work week which, for Donald, consists of early mornings with long days and often only being home to sleep a few hours and do it again. During these busy days, he seldom gets to eat dinner at home so his only source of food is from a lunchbox or a service station. During the week, he said that the A.C.E. gain him a lot of energy and he reports still not having any cravings. We also celebrated my birthday this week. There were lots of goodies at the party along with an awesome cake. That was Saturday night. Sunday is his skip day. He said that he could tell a huge difference on Sunday. Energy was low and he ate more than he did all week. Since this blog's purpose was partly to help build my business, I hated to report that he actually gained .2 this week.

This blog was also intended to give information that might help others be successful in weight loss and get healthy. That being the case, I decided that honesty is the best policy. After talking to Donald a little, I found that the source of his nutrition this past week, besides cake and BBQ for my birthday Sunday, was a turkey and cheese sandwich and a bag of grapes daily. He said he figured that since he wasn't hungry, he wouldn't eat! NOT! The information sheet you receive with your A.C.E clearly states that you must eat! Even if you don't want to, you have to make yourself! He failed to remember this fact, I guess. So we packed him a lunch full of a healthy grilled chicken salad, 2 sandwiches, baked chips, granola bar, string cheese stick, and fruit and he left under strict instructions that he MUST make himself eat! So next week should be big!

April 4, 2012
Total Weight Loss -4.8

Second Weigh In
Now that we are back at home, the next weigh in comes on his normal weigh in day, March 28. Another drop of 3 pounds! Donald is still taking only one A.C.E capsule per day. He still reports the supplement has relieved him of any cravings and he is having to make himself eat. Because he no longer craves all of those high fat foods that he did before, we are filling his lunchbox with good for you sandwiches, fruits, and veggies. He is also drinking lots of water. In just two weeks healthy habits are beginning to form.

March 28, 2012
Total loss -5

First Weigh In
Then life happened as it always does. On March 19, 2012, we left for a vacation in the mountains. These are the kinds of things that usually throw him off his game even if he is trying as hard as he can. So, we went to the mountains. We stayed at three different places, grilled, ate out, and passed numerous candy and ice cream shops. This is when it began to dawn on me that it might work. He kept saying that he just wasn't hungry and he didn't even want to stop at all of those yummy places. The first weigh in was when we returned on Friday March 23rd.He had lost 2 pounds even though we ate and drank yummy stuff I wouldn't have had in the house. I thought it was great for vacation. This is when I decided that we could grow a business from his success. Being the wonderful husband that he is, he decided to be my test subject.

March 23, 2012
Total Loss -2


Tori said...

Hey, wanted to update on my own weigh in this week. I mean to every week, then forget. Anyway, I started April 13, and since then have lost 6.2 pounds. I find weekends are hard for me, water drinking as well as just eating too much and too wrong. Last weekend really got me and I had to "re-lose" a couple pounds, so to be down even more from last week is a blessing. Friday is my weigh in day, first thing in the morning, so I tend to splurge a little, and did tonight. Hamburger Heaven, and yes, I got the fries. I know, so bad. But, I have been really, REALLY good this week. I will try to work hard to do good this weekend. Anyway, I can tell a HUGE difference in my appetite and cravings using ACE. I'm so thankful you thought of me when you were e-mailing friends. Much love, Tori

Unknown said...

Y'all both look wonderful, I bet you feel wonderful also . It's amazing what losing weight can do, you never realize how much the extra weight effects you until you lose it ..